Signs it is Time to Replace Piping

Plumbing can seem so integrated into your home that the thought of replacing piping might be daunting. However, just like other components of your home that occasionally need repair, pipes can need to be replaced for several reasons.

Here are some ways to tell it might be time to call in a plumber to replace piping.

Age of your home

If your home has been in your family for decades and no piping has been changed, there is a chance that it is time for an upgrade. Your pipes might be corroded and about to fail, deposits might have built up, or the pipe material may not be safe.

Have a professional inspect your plumbing to gauge whether you need to replace any of it.

Replacing with different pipe materials

Your piping may be fully functional but could still need to be replaced. If your home was built using lead piping, you could be at risk for health issues. Polybutylene (Poly-B) piping is another material that can fail due to disintegration.

If you have concerns about the piping used in your home, contact a plumber. They will be able to assess the material and make a professional recommendation on what steps you should take to correct any issues.

Frequent leaks

If you are dealing with frequent leaks in different areas of your home, it might be due to failing piping. Consider replacing pipework throughout your home to prevent further issues. Rather than deal with the leaks individually, preventative maintenance and replacement will protect your property and valuables from a possible catastrophe.


Replace Piping Before Leaks

Frequent backups

Frequent drain backups can indicate buildup in piping. If this buildup is related to corrosion or some other damage, you may need to replace sanitary piping. Tree roots can also cause backups. Depending on the situation, it might be time to reroute and replace the affected piping.

Replacing piping due to renovations

Not all pipe replacement is due to failure. If you have renovated and added a new bathroom (or two), you might need to upgrade your pipe sizing. Typically, this is a normal part of the process when you are adding on to your home. If you have recently purchased a home, however, the previous owners may have done the work without replacing relevant piping.

Shifted earth

There are many reasons why dirt shifts on a property. In some cases, this movement is harmless. Sometimes, however, it can damage piping. If you notice leaks in your yard or slow drainage throughout your home, damage due to shifting soil may be to blame.


If you are having trouble with your plumbing and suspect your piping system is to blame, give us a call or schedule service online. Our plumbers will inspect your system and can help determine if it is time to replace piping.


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