the holidays can be chaotic and stressful as you search for the perfect gifts, plan family visits and prepare your home for guests. In the midst of that, it’s important to take time to focus on spreading joy. Here are some ways to extend holiday cheer this season.
Visit the poor and sick
During the holiday season, those less fortunate can get forgotten. Visit a hospice, orphanage or volunteer with an organization that helps the poor. Who knows? You might find your new year’s resolution while putting smiles on faces.
Feed the hungry
Donate to your local food bank or volunteer at a soup kitchen to bring food to those in need. Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, was traditionally the day for “boxing” leftovers and giving to the poor. Consider doing your own version of this holiday tradition.
Holiday caroling
Christmas is a depressing time for many. Some may have lost loved ones around this time, others may be lonely. Caroling in your neighborhood brings music of hope and joy to those who need it most.
Reach out to someone who hurt you
You don’t have to reach out to strangers to bring cheer. Extending an olive branch to someone who hurt you in the past can bring forgiveness and joy to that person this holiday season. Even the attempt to mend a broken relationship can bring joy to you as well.
Comfort someone
It’s easy to get caught up in life’s dramas and forget that others are lost in their own darkness. Be a light to someone who needs it and you’ll discover your own light shining brighter.
Do a favor for a stranger
Pay for the next person’s coffee, carry someone’s shopping, or help a young mother distract a wailing toddler. The options are endless as you go about your daily tasks during the holidays.
Donate to charity
Instead of buying the most expensive gifts for everyone on your list, consider holding back some cash and donating extra to your favorite charity. You can even make it your family’s tradition to give extra during the holidays.
Spend extra time with your family
Surprise the kids with one on one time or a special holiday outing. Sneak away early one afternoon to bake cookies or to take a walk in the snow. You’ll boost your family’s joy and make memories they’ll talk about for many years to come. Regardless of your plans for the season, may you and your family have a joyful Holiday Season spreading cheer.
Happy Holidays from everyone at Tiger Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, and Electrical Services!
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