It’s likely that at some point, you’ll have to call our plumbers in: whether it’s for a leaky faucet, pipe replacement or a new bathroom in your basement. However, you can reduce likelihood of major damage. Here are some ways to reduce the number of visits from plumbers and the severity of your repairs:
Never hang anything from your pipes
The weight can break them and cause a flood. Even if you think it’s something small and light, there’s no guarantee that the pipe can withstand it. You also introduce the risk of the item snagging on a passerby and rupturing the pipe.
Use a strainer to keep hair and other items from clogging pipes
It might seem easy to let hair and food disappear down the drain but at some point, the accumulated effect will cause it to back up your drainage system. Check drains regularly and remove any items that may have slipped past your strainers.
Be careful what you flush down the toilet
Even items labelled “flushable” like flushable baby wipes can cause a problem. Your best option is to stick to waste and toilet paper. Everything else should be discarded in the garbage.
Avoid abrasive cleaners that can corrode your pipes
If you’re not sure what material your drain and sewage pipes are made from, have a professional take a look. Harsh cleaners can destroy piping, sometimes so slowly you don’t even know it’s happening until it’s too late.
Turn off and drain your outdoor faucets before winter arrives
Avoid burst pipes by draining outdoor pipes that can freeze when the temperature falls. These taps have a drain valve that you open to empty the water inside the pipe. Ensure you do it before the cold weather sets in and not after the first freezing night.
Don’t wait until a leak is severe before calling a plumber
It’s easy to procrastinate when you see the first few drips, but a small leak is much easier (and cheaper) to fix than a flooded house. Not to mention the money you’ll save on your water bill.
Know the location of your main shutoff valve
Knowing this is not only beneficial for the plumber when he arrives, but can reduce damage if you turn off the main supply as soon as a major leak happens. Take the time to show everyone where it is to reduce the potential for a huge, costly disaster.
If you want to read any more about what you can do about your plumbing problems, click HERE

If you need help to keep your plumbing in working order, we can work with you to prevent any issues from happening. Give us a call at (877) 552-2326 or Schedule A Service with one of our plumbers!
Winning Team