Staying Safe During this Extreme Heat

It is going to be one of the hottest days of the year and it is important to stay safe, to avoid a heat related injury. Heat stroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion and severe sunburns are just a few of the issues to be concerned about.  If you’ll be spending any amount of time outdoors this week, keep the following information in mind to remain safe during the extreme heat.

Firstly: If you or someone near you is experiencing signs of heat stroke, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, etc. call 911 right away.

-Stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water and try to avoid alcoholic beverages when possible.

-If you work outside, do your best to stay cool and take frequent breaks to avoid over doing it.

– Wear loose fitting, light colored clothing during outdoor activities.

dog-Avoid exercising during the hottest parts of the day.

-Never leave pets or children in closed/locked vehicles.

– Keep an eye on your pets. Make sure they have access to plenty of shade and drinking water. Also consider bringing them inside during the hottest parts of the day.

 -Eat less often and stick to smaller portions. Avoid foods that are high in protein and carbs. Instead, opt for fresh fruits and veggies.

-Protect your skin and eyes from sunburns with sunscreen and by wearing sunglasses and hats with brims to protect your face.

Have A Safe and Fun Summer!

If you have any plumbing, heating, cooling or electrical needs, simply call us at:

(618) 765-8218

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