Tips for Optimum Efficiency of Your HVAC System

Maintaining Your System

With the recent heat wave in the Saint Louis Metro East, I’m sure many of you have been running your air conditioners constantly. Along with thinking, “I thought summer was over with,” you may be concerned about your looming energy bills. The cost of energy seems to be going up all the time. This same cost, associated with keeping the temperatures inside our homes comfortable, has left a lot of us looking for cost effective preventative maintenance for our HVAC system. This kind of care calls for looking after the HVAC system installed in our homes in a systematic and routine manner. Periodic inspection and servicing of the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system ensures that the system keeps working proficiently for a long time to come. This not only means that our energy bills remain under control, but also that the expensive HVAC equipment need not be replaced or upgraded so early in the system’s life.

We cannot live without climate control. It is essential to have comfortable temperatures and humidity levels all year round with warm temperatures during winters and cool air during hot summers. This requires both our air conditioning and heating systems to operate in an efficient manner. If you don’t look after your HVAC equipment, you may be required to pay higher energy bills besides paying dearly to get the repairs done. It is only natural for an HVAC system to become less efficient with the passage of time if it is not serviced and maintained periodically. In addition, did you know that your system’s warranty could be voided if regular service is not maintained? There are also very high chances of breakage and damages.

Are you keeping up with the Jones’? If you are paying more than your neighbors in terms of your monthly electric bill it is probably time to consult Tiger Heating and Air Conditioning Services to design a regular maintenance plan for your HVAC equipment. A repair to your HVAC system in the middle of the winter can be very costly. This is where regular maintenance comes handy, as it not only keeps the parts of your HVAC system working efficiently, but also improves the longevity of the HVAC system.

HVAC is an acronym for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. The parts of an HVAC system include fans, blowers, pumps, centrifuges, tubes, ducts, filters, circuit boards, accumulators, blower wheels, compressors, thermostats and so on. It is indeed a complicated system designed to ensure that you and your family members remain comfortable even when there is a scorching sun or biting cold outside. It is not necessary for you to know about each and every part inside your HVAC system, but you can certainly play your part in keeping the system working efficiently with the help of Tiger Heating and Air Conditioning Services.

Buy A Filter Or Be A Filter

furnace repairDo you feel like you constantly have indoor allergies when at home? It may not be your beloved pet that is causing this. Filters inside the HVAC system are like the lungs in our body. It is vitally important to keep your lungs clean and clear for breathing, just like the filters in your ventilation system. The filters need regular replacement because microorganisms such as dust mites get inside the HVAC system along with dust; these being released into your air stream can cause potential health problems for your family members. If not regularly changed, or in some cases cleaned, the filters in your HVAC system can provide a breeding ground for microorganisms. Changing dirty filters is one easy step you can take for day to day maintenance in your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. At Tiger, we have a wide variety of filters designed to meet your comfort and air quality needs.

Keep The A/C Unit Clean

Is that a freight train or your air conditioner!? Obstructions to the condenser coil (that thing outside that runs when you turn your A/C on) prevents the system from drawing in fresh air. This happens when dead leaves, heavy dust, or any other impurity is drawn inside the condenser coil. In the Midwest, this can happen cyclically: when the farmers are tilling prior to planting, when they are harvesting in the late summer, and when the leaves fall. To clean the condenser all you need to do is turn off the circuit breaker to the AC unit, then wash it with a soap solution and water. Never use water at high pressure to wash the condenser as it can cause irreparable damage to the fins of the condensers. The safest solution, however, is to call your qualified, professional technicians at Tiger to perform these cleaning operations for you.

By maintaining your heating and cooling system, you can save a lot of your hard earned money on energy costs. If you have any questions, or to schedule an appointment, contact Tiger Heating and Air Conditioning Services at 1-866-TIGER70 or visit . Remember  that we offer duct cleaning and sanitization, too!

clogged drain - before and after


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